finally this graphic is converted into a mesh.using RegionPlot3D a graphic is generated.from this an interpolated function is defined.Basically I create from a stack of those images a 3D array.Hence a completely different approach was needed: The problem here is that those slices contain more than just a single line/wire - and they have different meaning. negative form) of an human ear - with some typical "complications" added like show by these slices: This graphic shows as an example an imprint (i.e. The method above simply does not work! One reason is the possible big difference in the length of neighboring "wires". When data of more realistic structures are used, e.g.: The effect can also be seen by showing the vertical lines only (according to Vitaliy): I.e.now there appears to be no more mesh defects! So with the friendly help of Thiel, Kaurov, Hurst one ends up with: The second idea was to transform everything into slices and then use Image3D. So - probably to everybody's disappointment - I do not want to print any BODY contour, but I imagined a BODY contour might serve here as kind of a "honey pot". I recently learned at a conference that there is the possibility to 3D print those individual flabs - if one can provide the data. Optimal flabs can have quite irregular shapes. When full dose at the skin is wanted, one has to anticipate this buildup effect, and this can be realized by putting a "flab" onto the skin: A flab is a layer made of some tissue equivalent material. When high energy radiation is applied to a body it turns out that the dose next to the skin is highly diminished this is due to the buildup effect of the dose. Those treatment plans can be exported as DICOM files and nicely imported in Mathematica. the volume around the ears and nose appears to be exaggerated (for being on the safe side). Dose will be calculated only inside this BODY contour, therefore e.g. One special contour is the "BODY contour" this is what is shown in my example data. Organs at risk and target volumes are defined by those contours. There we are working with contours which are drawn on any single CT slice. The data stem from our radiotherapy treatment planning system. )? Is there an already implemented way (a routine) I am missing? QUESTION: How can those data be converted into a single 3D Mathematica object (graphics, mesh. After running the code ClearAllĬlearly the data describe a 3D object (as "wire frame"). My data consist of a list of lists of points in 3D. Finance, Statistics & Business Analysis.Wolfram Knowledgebase Curated computable knowledge powering Wolfram|Alpha. Wolfram Universal Deployment System Instant deployment across cloud, desktop, mobile, and more. Wolfram Data Framework Semantic framework for real-world data.